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self-love coloring book

Over 50 beautiful pages designed for the goddess in you. This therapeutic art book features various coloring images & prompts to promote self-care & self-love. It is designed to destress and celebrate the beauty of black & brown women.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Positive Affirmations

Enjoy over 1000 High vibrational Goddess affirmations, quotes, & tips for wellness, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, success, love, abundance, spirituality & more!

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Find You F%ck Them

a journey of self-discovery

I invite you to take a journey with me to self-discovery. This new and improved 2nd Edition is an accumulation of journal entries highlighting unshakable downfalls and epiphany moments throughout the years.

I’ve disclosed vulnerable parts of my life to give YOU an authentic experience of self-awareness and clarity. This written piece of art strives to ignite thought provoking questions into your vortex and offer a new perspective for YOU.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Gratitude Journal

5 minute daily journal

The practice of GRATITUDE is life-changing. This two toned front and back hardback cover journal is simple, effective, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing. Pages repeat however, offers space for writing and notes. Included you will find a special gift, beautifully designed pages, and quotes to help you on your path to transform your life.


"The book really motivates readers to remember that there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. The author’s narration is unique as she draws from her personal experience to educate and enlighten the readers who thought all hope had been lost."

Find you F%ck Them

“Just a masterpiece. Thank you for your offering!!! I always have my sisters come and open to a random page and speak some affirmation to give us a worrrrrd!”

Positive affirmations

“Very Therapeutic!

The book is an awesome read! I truly appreciated the candor and transparency. I will be infusing the therapeutic activities in my counseling practice. As a female, I can relate and will infuse some of the best practices detailed in the text.”

Find you F%ck Them- 1st edition

self-awareness services

human design report

The human design system enlightens us about our distinctive journey, who we are and what role we play. It is a guide or reference to remind us to naturally be ourselves as we were designed. You will need your birth date, time and city of birth.


natal chart report

A natal chart is a celestial map of positioned cosmic forces based on the exact day, time, and place YOU were born. is a cheat code to understanding your life's journey. Natal charts offer insight into our character, behavior, desires, and future changes or shifts in our lives.


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Know Thyself MUG


chakra bookmark


Divine TRucker


about ME

Hi I’m Amethyst

This is my story

I am Ashley "Amethyst Yaa" Parris and I am a creative force originally from Columbia, Maryland.

I am a mother, wife, author, artist, a wellness and spiritual healer, and founder of ASH + GARLANDS Balloon Styling & Event Rental Co. I am thrilled to receive my 200 Hr. Yoga Certification with a concentration in Kemetic Reiki and energy work.

I enjoy writing, painting, dancing, philosophy, astrology, traveling, and connecting with nature. Fun facts about me: I am a twin, a Howard University Alum, and a Sacred Woman Practitioner.


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